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Date   : Sun, 07 Aug 2005 12:25:43 +0100
From   : Phil Blundell <philb@...>
Subject: Re: 80186 co-pro

On Sun, 2005-08-07 at 10:32 +0000, Jules Richardson wrote:
> It's the only ABC3xx survivor that I know of - I'd love to find someone
> else who had one though. I think when talking to the ex-Acorn chap who
> Rich originally got the machine from, he estimated that maybe 20 were
> assembled - although it's possible serveral more boards were built (I'm
> not sure what a typical low-volume production run would be) and this is
> where your two 'stray' boards come from. Any serial numbers on them?

No, no serial numbers.  They're issue D boards (like the photo on
Richard's website), though, not production ones.

I don't remember exactly where they came from; they've been languishing
in a box in my spare room for ages.  But the chances are that I was
given them by some or other ex-Acorn guy.

> it'd go to the keyboard socket on the rear of the ABC's case. The
> keyboards for the ABC machines have a switch on the back for flipping
> between the B+ board and the copro board. I think the line just holds
> the copro in a reset state until switched to TUBE.

Right, makes sense.


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