Date : Wed, 03 Aug 2005 20:59:44 +0000 (GMT)
From : "Thomas Harte" <thomasharte@...>
Subject: Re: Decent BBC emulator for OS X?
Samwise said:
> I'm an advocate for MESS as a long-term emulator.
Perhaps I'm living 10 years in the past, but I was under the impression
that MESS is a very poor quality emulator as a result of attempting to
combine a modular design with moderately decent speed. Full of stuff like
this (pseudo code, of course!):
func draw_scanline(y pos)
for(address = start address to end address)
read from address in emulated RAM, draw pixels according to current
while(not done)
cpu_go(128 cycles);
Tom Walker said:
> You could have removed [references to 2xSAI] you know.
Didn't even cross my mind, as I tend to be stupid with other people's code.
I'll have a go, and if I get it working then I'll contribute a binary back
your way! Presumably whatever I end up doing will be broadly similar for
Elkulator also?
I'm using an Allegro 4.2.0 beta at the minute since I was involved in writing
a new Allegro demo game, but if the slight API changes require any fixes
to your code I'll alert you.
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