Date : Wed, 03 Aug 2005 18:03:38 +0000 (GMT)
From : "Thomas Harte" <thomasharte@...>
Subject: Re: Decent BBC emulator for OS X?
> I thought my port of BeebEm (now with Torch Z80 co-processor emulation) for
> OS X was pretty decent ...
> You can download it from :
> <a href=></a>
Thanks! Just the sort of thing I was looking for! Has some annoying bugs
(I'll email you personally rather than get this mailing list bogged down
in all that), but your site says "[t]he program is still very much work
in progress" so it's hard to complain too much.
And for the record, G4 667Mhz Powerbook (the older sort - 16mb Mobility
Radeon graphics, no DVI), OS X 10.4.2 gives about 25fps, which is substantially
better than your site had led me to believe! The only annoying thing is
that now BeebEm and ElectrEm are going to forever fight over who owns the
various file types. I see BeebEm doesn't grab UEF at least.
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