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Date   : Sun, 31 Jul 2005 20:12:40 +0100
From   : "Jon Welch" <jon.welch@...>
Subject: Re: Torch Z80 ROM Images

To follow up on my earlier e-mail, 

I bought a Torch Z80 card many years ago but I thought I had lost it amongst
all my other junk when I moved house recently. However, after spending a
couple of hours in the loft this morning, it turned up in a box of bits.
This card has the CCPN 1.02 ROM in and together with the 1.22 AMB ROM in my
Master, the card boots fine. 

I have now managed to get the ROM image I wanted by putting the CCPN ROM
into the motherboard and saving to disc. I originally tried it in my Viglen
cartridge ROM slot expander thingy but this seems to have died in the
process. And killed my SPY 2 ROM as well :(

However, the reason I wanted the ROM Image was not to put it in a Torch

I am currently converting the BeebEm emulator to run on my new Mac and I
though it would be a good idea to emulate the Torch Z80 card as well ! After
a bit of dabbling with the code, I can now boot BeebEm to the familiar
'NoNet:0A>' prompt. Pop in a Wordstar disc image and I am now running
Wordstar under CCPN under BeebEm under Windows (and Mac OSX) !

So, if anyone wants a CCPN 1.02 ROM image, I know where to get one !



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