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Date   : Sat, 30 Jul 2005 15:13:34 +0100
From   : "Samwise" <samwise@...>
Subject: Re: Chuckie Egg (was: Re: Econet-Ethernet bridge)

> Know anything about the Spectrum version? That's the only 
> other version
> I played, so it's possible it's a feature there and I'm misremembering
> it being in the BBC one...
> cheers
> Jules


I think this is one of the most FAQs regarding CE.  The Resource Kit in
question contains all 13 releases I've been able to confirm existed
(although I've heard a few people swear there were releases on one or
other platforms, but without being able to provide concrete evidence),
including the original Spectrum, and none of them - so far as I am aware
contain two ducks.  There's also an extensive collection of retro
and ports, none of which have this feature, tho I can be less sure of
certainty of that - it's certainly not mentioned in any of their

It's interesting that this comes up time and again, however, as this is
of the features that Nigel Alderton (Spectrum author) claimed to have
to include in his original version, according to a 2002 interview at


Funnily tho, noone ever seems to ask the question I'd love to put to
Anderson (BBC author) if I ever track him down - and that's why we were
never treated to a Beeb release of the sequel?!!  (anticipated £££
return, I

The Chuckie Egg Professional's Resource Kit

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