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Date   : Fri, 29 Jul 2005 23:42:41 +0100
From   : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Re: Adressing posts (off topic)

As I have said before (and I do get an awful lot of e-mails), I don't really
care as long as I can read it and it makes sense.
Many lists have their own ways of doing things and no two of those that I am
on are the same. It would be very difficult to try and remember which wants
what so I take a very tolerant attitude to the whole thing I'm afraid. I am
on one list to which "reply" or "reply all" just goes to the sender and the
list has to be typed in each time. Now that's a bummer!
Similar threads also appear with regularity on each of them.
Only two of the lists require snipping or posting below the original though.
Amazing how many permutations there are isn't it?
Still, gives us something else to talk about :-)
Colin Hill
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan Graham Harston" <jgh@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 5:38 PM
Subject: [BBC-Micro] Re: Adressing posts

> > Message-ID: <Marcel-1.53-0726125357-d07xSBG@...>
> Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...> wrote:
> >  * the naked email address (with those '<', '>' (and '@'))
> >  * the Real Name
> Any email I receive that doesn't have at least one ' ', one '@'
> and one '.' in the 'From:' line goes automatically into my spam
> bin, and is likely to be deleted without being looked at.
> -- 
> J.G.Harston - jgh@... - mdfs.net/User/JGH
> RISC OS Internationalisation - http://mdfs.net/Software/RISCOS

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