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Date   : Thu, 28 Jul 2005 12:06:26 +0100
From   : Joe N <ng22311@...>
Subject: Re: MP3 BBC tapes

What would be the advantage of having them in MP3 format? It sounds like 
an interesting idea but wouldn't it be better to write a sound modulator 
for UEF files? Or perhaps such a thing already exists. I imagine that 
storing just the sound of the tape would be of questionable merit.

In any case, by the very nature of MP3, many "redundant" frequencies 
have been removed. This redundancy is defined in terms of human 
perception but not in terms of data transfer. The MP3 encoder may 
unwittingly remove important frequencies which, although it may sound 
the same to you and I, would render the sound useless to the computer.

I may be talking out the back of my neck about what I just wrote but it 
seems an interesting point. Any thoughts?


Tom Drage wrote:

>I've noticed many classic programs are available for BBC emulators, does
>anyone have actual BBC tapes in MP3 format, or could there be a
>possibility of creating such a library? 

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