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Date   : Wed, 27 Jul 2005 23:58:45 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: TorchNET

On Thu, 2005-07-28 at 00:39 +0100, Rob wrote:
> At 00:11 28/07/2005, Jules Richardson wrote:
> >Darn. Anyone for a Econet/TorchNET gateway project? ;-)
> >
> >I don't think I've got protocol details though (I'll check), plus
> >there's probably hardly any people out there with a TorchNET-cabable
> >machine anyway :-(
> Well, assuming you need at least two machine for a network, I'm half way 
> there..
> I've got a "Torch 68000 hard disc" machine...  BBC B, 68000 co-processor, 
> modem, hard disc and colour monitor in one box.  Bloody heavy piece of 
> metal it is too.   It /was/ working a few years ago, but the last time I 
> tried it, it wasn't..

Ahh, I've got one of those - but the version with the Z80 rather than he
68K. They're built like tanks. 

> Anyway, if there's anybody out there who's been searching for one for 
> years, can fix it, and most importantly can give it a good home where it 
> can be useful, let me know!  I could sure do with the cupboard space back..

I really don't need another one :-)
Hmm, you don't have Unix install media for it do you? (it's not actually
clear whether Torch ever released Unix for these - they did for the much
nicer 725 machine, which was basically the same hardware but with a SCSI
rather than SASI controller)

I've got schematics for both flavours of Torch 68K boards by the way
(and the SASI controller), in case anyone wants to take this machine on
to fix it and needs copies. I think I might even have a service manual
somewhere... and probably the BBC-side hard disk formatter for them...



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