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Date   : Wed, 27 Jul 2005 12:24:59 +0200
From   : "Eelco Huininga" <eelco@...>
Subject: Re: Econet-Ethernet bridge


> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] 
> Namens Johan Heuseveldt
> Verzonden: dinsdag 26 juli 2005 22:21
> Aan: bbc-micro@...
> Onderwerp: Re: [BBC-Micro] Econet-Ethernet bridge
> This is already available in AUN. For years, many years; at least 10!
> (the PRM refered to is part 5 (not 5a), which is from 1994;
>  the AUN Manager's Guide (File Server Level 4) is from 1992)

I'd definitely need to spend some time studying these articles some day :-)
Do you know where I can find them?

> When enabling AUN, the module NetI will sit on the Econet module,
> reclaiming its entirely SWI interface. Calling an 
> 'Econet_<something>' SWI,
> will not reach the Econet module, but will enter the NetI 
> module. Based on
> several details, the NetI module can give the call indeed to 
> the Econet
> module, if there is a native Econet network available (and 
> Econet clock
> present of course), or give it to the Internet module, for 
> Econet over IP,
> using UDP.
> For testing the Econet NIC, last Saturday I wrote a Tx/Rx pair of
> very small proglets, just to see if Econet over IP still worked if
> native Econet was fully available. It was ok.
> Please note it was already mentioned that a system with both 
> Econet and
> Ethernet can function as a fully fledged Gateway system. 

I assume you're talking about the Archimedes/RiscPC Econet modules. Since I
don't have one of these machines (yet) I don't have any experience with
this. But then again, it wasn't my intention to set up a machine as a

> I could be missing a point or two (or even more) on these 
> Econet/Ethernet
> discussions, but if you are unaware of the above, then it 
> seems a waist of
> efforts, time and money to continue. Or is it indeed 
> intentional, and some
> of you DO want to invent one of the Acorn wheels again, just 
> for the sake
> of fun, which, by itself, is of course a valid enough reason! :-)

Indeed I'm doing this for fun! What I'd like is to have a stand-alone device
like a router/switch etc. so I don't have to 'sacrifice' an

> The draw back of it all, however, is a lack of possible 
> interest, making
> the project too expensive if you count upon a certain amount 
> of orders.

I've had this idea of an Econet-Ethernet gateway for some time now. Not
because I'd want to sell them and make profit out of them, but merely for
fun and 'to see if it can be done'. Now I find that more people are
interested in building an Econet-Ethernet bridge, which is great, since we
now can share ideas and thoughts. Don't know about others, but my intention
is that when the device is ready, the schematics/PCB layout/documents should
be available to the general public. If anyone then feels like selling
pre-built devices, go right ahead, but that's not my intention...

> OTOH if you can wet our appetite by including extra's like the things
> allready discussed, then, who knows!
> ATM I don't see a need for myself, but even that can change, 
> as I surely
> don't know about all the possibilities you have in mind, and 
> being able
> to fully value those possibilities.:-)
> Just thought I should tell you more specific, than already done here!

No problem :-) I'd rather have someone warn me about something I already
know, than someone telling me afterwards: hey, did you know that......

> Everything an application finds a need for.
> If you have the PRMs, wether in real paper, or just in some electronic
> form (HTML/PFD) I can give you some locations to get at.
> Allthough I seem to be sitting on my writer's chair today, it would be
> a bit too much to discuss it here from the beginning!

Do you know where I can find them on the net?


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