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Date   : Tue, 26 Jul 2005 22:20:47 +0200 (BST)
From   : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: Econet-Ethernet bridge

H(o)i Eelco.

On Tue 26 Jul, Eelco Huininga wrote:

> > Implement Econet protocol over IP at Layer 6 (Presentation 
> > Layer). This is where gateways, such as SNA, Netware etc are
> > implemented over  TCP and then,

According to the PRM, TCP is not suited for Econet over IP. UDP is used
instead. Just a line I picked out of the PRM (5-173):

    TCP itself is not used, as it is a stream oriented protocol
    unsuited to supporting an Econet-like delivery service.

Network protocol is indeed IP.

[snip: communication story]

> Ahh I see, you're talking about using the Econet protocol over IP!
> Interesting.

This is already available in AUN. For years, many years; at least 10!

(the PRM refered to is part 5 (not 5a), which is from 1994;
 the AUN Manager's Guide (File Server Level 4) is from 1992)

In my post about the Econet NIC not being recognised, I didn't go into
that, but on the Econet list I went into more details. 

When enabling AUN, the module NetI will sit on the Econet module,
reclaiming its entirely SWI interface. Calling an 'Econet_<something>' SWI,
will not reach the Econet module, but will enter the NetI module. Based on
several details, the NetI module can give the call indeed to the Econet
module, if there is a native Econet network available (and Econet clock
present of course), or give it to the Internet module, for Econet over IP,
using UDP.

For testing the Econet NIC, last Saturday I wrote a Tx/Rx pair of
very small proglets, just to see if Econet over IP still worked if
native Econet was fully available. It was ok.

Please note it was already mentioned that a system with both Econet and
Ethernet can function as a fully fledged Gateway system. 

I could be missing a point or two (or even more) on these Econet/Ethernet
discussions, but if you are unaware of the above, then it seems a waist of
efforts, time and money to continue. Or is it indeed intentional, and some
of you DO want to invent one of the Acorn wheels again, just for the sake
of fun, which, by itself, is of course a valid enough reason! :-)

The draw back of it all, however, is a lack of possible interest, making
the project too expensive if you count upon a certain amount of orders.
OTOH if you can wet our appetite by including extra's like the things
allready discussed, then, who knows!

ATM I don't see a need for myself, but even that can change, as I surely
don't know about all the possibilities you have in mind, and being able
to fully value those possibilities.:-)

Just thought I should tell you more specific, than already done here!

> About the broadcasting problem: I think it wouldn't be much of a
> problem. Like any router/bridge/switch/etc. it shouldn't bridge
> the broadcasts. Instead it should use an alternative, like DNS
> or something. I don't know the Econet protocol in that many detail
> yet, but can you tell me what broadcasts are made over the Econet?

Everything an application finds a need for.

If you have the PRMs, wether in real paper, or just in some electronic
form (HTML/PFD) I can give you some locations to get at.
Allthough I seem to be sitting on my writer's chair today, it would be
a bit too much to discuss it here from the beginning!


Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place
Hire the morally handicapped.

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