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Date   : Tue, 26 Jul 2005 18:46:03 +0200 (BST)
From   : Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...>
Subject: Re: Adressing posts

On Tue 26 Jul, Jules Richardson wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-07-26 at 14:53 +0200, Johan Heuseveldt wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > 
> > Please all, don't address posts to both the list and a person too, with
> > its personal address. Mailers are different, and so is their behaviour:
> > Most likely you'll end up with two messages, or just one at the wrong
> > place (user/folder).
> That's why it'd be *really* nice to have the mailing list headers
> changed, so that default behaviour was for a reply to go to the list.
> This mailing list seems pretty unique in not having things set up like
> that :-(

Yes, you're quite right. It means proper filtering on such a line is
not possible. That's why a message from the list, which is also CC-ed
to me, ends up as a single message at the wrong user/folder, which has
to be manually corrected/replaced.

With the correct header lines there, the message would be in the correct
place, and possibly a copy in another folder, where it can be deleted if
I choose to do so, without any effect on the list user/folder.

Of course there are other issues as well, like top-posting and the
serious lack of snipping quotes, making it all into a mess, and
very hard to familiarize yourself with the contents again. In the
end you can ignore these posts; if someone don't take the trouble to
do it decently, (s)he can't expect me to invest a multitude of
time and efforts to correct that.
Trouble is, people seem to be unaware of it, and really don't want
to do any harm, but seem to get troubled by the system/mailer they
use; or are forced to use.

As the 'double posting address' gives me a direct problem, I thought
it would be appropiate to mention this at least.

> Having to cut and paste email addresses around on every reply to a post
> gets a little tiresome....

I created several posts today, and knowing this problem very well, on one
occassion I still forget. :-(((
Looking with MailScout what arrived in the mailbox at the ISP, I noticed
the absence of one particular message. Checking on that in my 'sent'
folder, I saw I did forget to change the address. :-(

Resend it later.

I think the need for proper header lines about this list, has come up
in the past. Not sure though, could be another list! :-)

I wonder, is it that difficult to implement these header lines?
Would simplify a few things here, and certainly would both gracefully and
gratefully received!


Johan Heuseveldt <johan@...              >
  aka  waarland

  The best place is a Riscy place
If you treat people right they will treat you right;
90 per cent of the time.

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