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Date   : Tue, 26 Jul 2005 18:08:48 +0200
From   : "Eelco Huininga" <eelco@...>
Subject: Re: Econet-Ethernet bridge

> Well it all depends on how we are going to implement the 
> Econet-Ethernet
> interface.
> This seems like the best solution...
> Implement Econet protocol over IP at Layer 6 (Presentation 
> Layer). This is
> where gateways, such as SNA, Netware etc are implemented over 
> TCP and then,
> at a lower level, IP. Time to dig out that Linux code I think 
> and have a
> look at what was done. This would enable any OS to use the 
> Econet interface,
> in fact, two PCs could communicate like this via Econet and 
> an emulator
> could use it also, and it would be routable... if you are 
> thinking what I am
> thinking... a nice juicy econet file server could be sitting 
> somewhere in
> the internet, or a PC econet file server :-)
> Ethernet talks to our device at the appropriate port. Packets are then
> converted to normal Econet, added to the buffer and sent out 
> on the Econet.
> Econet packet in -> Work out if it is to a destination on the 
> Ethernet ->
> Send out on Ethernet to IP address
> Just trying to get my head round tracking the 
> source/destination station
> numbers at the moment.
> Mark - thinking aloud....

Ahh I see, you're talking about using the Econet protocol over IP!
Interesting. I hadn't thought of this one yet. Until now I was
thinking about 'translating' the Econet requests to FTP or Samba
request and vice versa. Econet over IP seems really interesting
though! Indeed a routed Econet would be possible :-D
And if I read you correctly, there's also Econet over IP code
available for Linux systems? That would be even greater!

About the broadcasting problem: I think it wouldn't be much of a
problem. Like any router/bridge/switch/etc. it shouldn't bridge
the broadcasts. Instead it should use an alternative, like DNS
or something. I don't know the Econet protocol in that many detail
yet, but can you tell me what broadcasts are made over the Econet?


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