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Date   : Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:10:19 +0200
From   : "Eelco Huininga" <eelco@...>
Subject: Econet-Ethernet bridge (was: ARM copros, speech cartridges, real time clocks,etc)

Hi Phil,

Well, it seems you've progressed a bit more than me; you're already working
on the schematics :-) Basically it's the same as what I was thinking of; a
microcontroller with some RAM, an Econet interface and an Ethernet
interface. I do like the status LED's, I think they should be very useful.

This is what I've got so far:

I've chosen to add an additional FlashROM chip so there's enough code space
for future expansion. I'm also thinking about incorporating an IDE
interface, because I think it would be neat if it also had some Econet
fileserving capabilities :-)

Tell me what you (and others) think about it.


> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Majordomo List Manager [mailto:majordomo@...] 
> Namens Phil Blundell
> Verzonden: maandag 25 juli 2005 21:35
> Aan: Eelco Huininga
> CC: bbc-micro@...
> Onderwerp: RE: [BBC-Micro] ARM copros, speech cartridges, 
> real time clocks,etc
> On Mon, 2005-07-25 at 16:42 +0200, Eelco Huininga wrote:
> > Another thing: It seems that more people on this 
> mailinglist are interested
> > in developing new hardware and software for the 8-bit Acorn 
> computer series,
> > but like me, they don't have the time to spare to develop 
> and test it, and
> > write software for it, in the near future. Perhaps we can 
> create 'sign-up
> > lists' for some projects so that more people can work on 
> one single project?
> > Some time ago I've been working on an Econet-Ethernet 
> bridge (also mentioned
> > in another thread). If anyone is thinking about picking 
> this up, please let
> > me know. Maybe I can be of help :-)
> Sure, I'd be interested to know what you came up with on the bridging
> thing.
> FWIW, I put a copy of my half-baked schematic at
> http://handhelds.org/~pb/bridge/bridge1.pdf
> p.

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