Date : Sun, 24 Jul 2005 20:41:31 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Econet interface
> Message-ID: <E1Dwgwr-0008KO-00@...>
"Mark Usher" <mu.list@...> wrote:
> >We have 3 approaches suggested so far
> There is a 4th as suggested by Phil
> 4) a standalone bridge unit
> Econet one side, Ethernet the other. This could get very complicated with
No, it's easy.
> the internal software to sort out the addressing and possible routing
> implications. It would be the most invisible solution and hardware
> independent both Acorn and PC sides. Emulators would then have to address
I've got a spare A4000 with an ethernet interface in it. I've been
meaning to plug an econet interface in it and run the ethernet-
to-econet gateway software on it. We had a similar setup in Hong
Kong where the R260 unix server had econet and ethernet and allows
eveything on each side to access the other side. See
A bit of nomenclature:
Bridge - connects two *similar* networks, eg econet to econet or
ethernet to ethernet
Gateway - connects two *dissimilar* networks, eg econet to
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
RISC OS Choices System -