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Date   : Fri, 22 Jul 2005 01:54:31 +0100
From   : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Can you identify this?

> Message-ID: <1121843729164.kris@...>
"Kris Adcock" <kris@...> wrote:
> > There's some info on
> > <http://www.themotionstore.com/leeedavison/6502/eurobeeb/>, but not much.
> >
> > Neat find - even better if you've got a copy of the documentation.
> Hmm ... would it have run in its own right, or would a normal Beeb have been
> used to control it? The reason I ask is that it came with a BBC B, various
As far as applications running on it are concerned, it *is* a
normal Beeb, as long as you use all the defined system entry
points. There is an MOS at &E000, space for paged ROMs at &8000
and space for a 8K 16th paged ROM at &C000.
You could plug BBC BASIC in and it would run, taking it's input
from whatever input device you had chosen to use, and sending it's
output to whatever output device you'd chosen to use.
I've started commenting a disassembly of the EuroBeeb MOS. I'll
upload it to http://www.mdfsnet.f9.co.uk/Info/Comp/BBC/EuroBeeb
after dealing with my emails.
Must go... Email batch processing deadline rapidly approaching...

J.G.Harston - jgh@...                - mdfs.net/User/JGH
BBC BASIC for the Sinclair Spectrum - http://mdfs.net/Software/Spectrum

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