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Date   : Thu, 21 Jul 2005 16:51:55 +0100
From   : Philip Pemberton <philpem@...>
Subject: Re: Can you identify this?

In message <1121888335.4337.37.camel@...>
          Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:

> I mailed Kris seperately the other day, but the machine looks *very*
> System-like in board design. I was puzzled by the 6509 CPU as AFAIK

6509? It looked like a 6502A to me - the photo wasn't exactly clear. If i
got a 6509, then it's not a Eurobeeb - that used a 6502A.

Kris, any chance of either a better picture of the CPU card or a list of
ICs that are on the board?

> I've also got a third-party memory board (Control Universal I believe).

Control Universal made the "CUBE Eurobeeb" IIRC. I also heard of another
company (Pro-Active Control) who supposedly made some Eurobeeb-type cards

BTW, that two-cube logo is - IIRC - Control Universal's.

> Actually, it's kind of strange that the EuroBeeb existed when the Syste
> machines were designed for that job; I'm surprised there was any kind o
> market for them.

Wasn't the System discontinued just before the BBC B was released?

> It's a shame nobody really collects or plays with System era stuff (at
> least I don't know of anyone). There seem to be a few System 1 machines
> surviving out there, but not much else; they seem to be shunned by Acor
> collectors for some reason.

I want to get hold of a System - catch is, they don't come up for sale ve
often. When they do, they often sell for really stupid amounts.
I bought one for £2, but a power supply fault blew it out :(

> Wow - any chance of any photos?

<http://www.philpem.me.uk/> -> Electronics -> 6502 computer project. Bein
the total prat I am, I lost the PLD equations for the speech card's ADEC
Reformatted the HDD and forgot that WinCUPL stored its data files in
C:\WinCUPL\Projects... Grrrrrrrrr....

> Thinking about it, wasn't the Maplin
> weather station system from way back when a 6502-based rack job? I'd
> love to find one of those some day. 

I think I might have the articles that cover that - somewhere in my
almost-complete collection of Maplin magazines. Speaking of which, anyone
any spare issues they want rid of?

> Hey, I emailed Kris within a few minutes of the post hitting the
> list... ;) Heh heh!

First rule of sales: there's always someone quicker than you, except when
there isn't. So far the only things I've managed to snag within a few sec
of someone else are my bench DMM (a Solartron 7150plus - anyone got a cop
y of
the service manual?) and my Minidisc player (a Sony MZ-N710).

"Sold the last one five minutes ago"
"One showing as in stock, but it's listed as missing."
"Two.. no, one left."
"I'll take it."

.. But now we're getting really off topic.

Oh, and I missed a Micro-Professor MPF-1 because my DIY bid-watcher got
broken by Ebay's last site update, and the "Daily Update" didn't get sent

First rule of Ebay: Nothing ever works when you want it to.


Phil.                              | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6
philpem@...                        | ViewFinder, 10BaseT Ethernet, 2-slic
http://www.philpem.me.uk/          | 48xCD, ARCINv6c IDE, SCSI
... If there was a nuclear bombing, would I be alive to care?

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