Date : Wed, 20 Jul 2005 16:15:42 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: floppy discs
> Message-ID: <42DD5DE7.4090803@...>
Tim Fardell <tim.fardell@...> wrote:
> Jonathan Graham Harston wrote:
> > "blue", "single-hole", "720k" disks can be used with the BBC.
> > "black", "two-hole", "1.44M" disks cannot be used with the BBC.
> >
> > Is that concise enought?
> Well, it would be, if the original poster had been talking about 3.5"
> disks! He did describe the disks in ample detail to deduce that they were
> 5.25" :-)
Doh! So, who was talking about 3.5" disks then?
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
Taxation is like diary farming. You have to extract the maximum amount of
milk with the minimum amount of moo.