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Date   : Wed, 20 Jul 2005 08:15:29 +0100
From   : "Kris Adcock" <kris@...>
Subject: Re: Can you identify this?

--- Philip Pemberton <philpem@...> wrote:
> In message <37218e8c4d.kris@...>
>           Kris Adcock <kris@...> wrote:
> > I've been searching through my loft and putting things on E-bay, and 
> > have come across a piece of kit I don't recognise. Can anyone identify 
> > it? It came with a load of other Beeb kit, so it might be related:
> > 
> > http://www.danceswithferrets.org/wotsthis/
> Ooo, it's a CUBE EuroBEEB. Basically a BBC Micro in Eurocard format. The
> board in thing3.jpg is the CPU card. "thing2" looks like a User Port ->
> adapter card, and thing4 looks like some form of A/D converter card.
> There's some info on
> <http://www.themotionstore.com/leeedavison/6502/eurobeeb/>, but not much.
> Neat find - even better if you've got a copy of the documentation.

Hmm ... would it have run in its own right, or would a normal Beeb have been
used to control it? The reason I ask is that it came with a BBC B, various
IEEE 488 interface boxes and at least one leather folder of documentation
about an "Aries (somethingorother)". Now might be the time for me to find
that lot out too ...

If Richard Gellman (if it was him) follows through with his threat to design
a more modern Beeb, doing it with EuroCards connected on a common "backbone"
would be an interesting way of doing it! Want an Econet card? No problem -
just build the extra card! Don't need cassette circuit? No bother - just
don't build it!



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