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Date   : Thu, 14 Jul 2005 11:53:16 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: floppy discs

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 23:15 +0100, Colin wrote:
> Ok, bear with me here as this is getting a little too technical for me and I
> perhaps have a too simplistic view of disks and disk drives..
> I'm going by a PC floppy which you shove in, format it to clear any gunk on
> it and have a disk you can use (regardless of what was on it before).
> I got this pile of disks and I want to scrub everything off them and use
> them for the BBC Micro.
> Is what you are saying that these disks are not compatible with a disk drive
> for the BBC and cannot be reformatted for use with it? (In other words they
> are made differently although they look the same and fit the drive)?

Think of it like putting a 3.5" '720KB' (double density) floppy into a
PC's '1.44MB' (high density) drive - it'll physically fit, but the
actual media's different; assuming you can even format to the 'wrong'
capacity your data won't be particularly reliable. (of course double
density drives haven't been sold on PCs for a good ten years - they're
all high density these days assuming you get a floppy drive at all)

I suppose the same was true of 8" floppies too, in that both hard
sectored and soft sectored disks existed and would fit in any 8" drive,
but weren't interchangeable.



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