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Date   : Wed, 13 Jul 2005 22:03:17 +0100
From   : "Colin" <cwhill@...>
Subject: Re: floppy discs

Perhaps I didn't explain this too well.
There is no BBC stuff on these disks.
The actual disc drive was given to me by the same person who gave me the BBC
Micro but she never really did much with them it did work as she kept her
copies of letters etc on them. Alas, she threw out her disks many years ago!
The disks I have obtained on the other hand were given to me by another
friend who was having a clear-out of some old stuff and these discs were
used on a PC running windows (3.1) so I do know what is on the disks
(nothing to do with the BBC Micro) and it is of no interest to me.
I was hoping I could format (or re-format) the disks via the BBC and use
them with my disk drive on the BBC.
I'm not trying to get at the contents of these disks (in fact I am trying to
erase them), just trying to make them workable on the BBC so that I can save
and load my own efforts to and from them.
Are these disks no good then?
Colin Hill
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jason Watton (Lycos)" <jason.watton@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2005 1:36 PM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] floppy discs

> A disk that merely 'fits' in the drive isn't necessarily compatible with
> Beeb... nor is the 'stuff' on it, unless you know it to be in one of the
> formats (e.g. DFS, ADFS)...
> As Mike said: DD (Double Density) and HD (High Density) disks weren't
> designed to be used for Single Density formats (such as DFS). It's an
> to have BBC DFS format disks of these media types.
> If you're unsure of what's on the disks, and you've got a **PC** with a
> drive you can put the disk into, then run 'Test disk' from OmniFlop.
> tell you (DFS, ADFS...). You need it to be 'DFS' to work with *DISC, for a
> start...
> Jason.

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