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Date   : Sun, 10 Jul 2005 18:14:04 +0100 (BST)
From   : Pete Turnbull <pete@...>
Subject: Re: NFS Versions

On Jul 10 2005, 13:06, Mike Tomlinson wrote:
> In article <42D0D2AE.30200@...>, Mike Howard
> <aixguru@...> writes
> >Anybody know which versions of NFS work with the BBC/B or B+? Which
> >the latest? I'm interested in purely NFS as opposed to DNFS.
> Relying on my memory (always suspect), but I think NFS 3.34 was the
> release for the B series.

NFS 3.34 was the original "production" version, in a 2764 EPROM usually
with a green label.  It was replaced by DNFS, which contains NFS 3.60.
 There are a few differences, mainly to do with privileged stations,
and a few bugfixes.  ISTR also a significant difference in the way
OS-heebie-jeebie (more formally known as OSGBPB) works.  All the later
Econet kits contained DNFS.  I had several early BE and BDE (B with
Econet, and B with Disc and Econet) which all had 3.34.

> >Did any versions of ANFS work on the beeb?
> Not as far as I know.  Why?

ANFS (the standard version was 4.25 but I also have a 4.21) was
produced for the Master 128 and Master Compact, but I remember running
it on a couple of my Beebs.  It had better file buffering, and several
of the utilities that would normally be in the library on the
fileserver were built-ins.  However, by that time most of my Beebs had
CMOS processors, so I can't say with certainty that ANFS will work on a
standard B or B+.  I'm not aware of any addressing differences that
would prevent it, though.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						University of York

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