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Date   : Sat, 09 Jul 2005 14:48:44 +0100
From   : Jo Holbourn <jo@...>
Subject: How did you get involved in Beeb stuff?

Hi all.
I'm Jo. I have recently become involved in BBC computer stuff as I have 
just recovered my beebs from my parents house when they threatened to 
throw them away. (eek!!)
I am gathering some info with the possiblilty of writing a website. (it 
is still just a possibility at the moment as it partly depends if I 
succesfully can convert any of the software to the PC) If it gets 
anywhere it will be focussed on the educational aspects and educational 
games for the beeb, rather than copying what has already been done.
Anyway, I have been researching the history of the Beeb and have found 
various interesting sites, but all the history seems to stop when the 
beeb went out of date at the end of the eighties.
I would be really interested in putting together a paragraph about the 
people who were interested enough to develop the emulators, software and 
support to keep the beeb alive on the PC. Well done to you.
If you wouldn't mind giving me a few lines about why you have got 
involved in beeb stuff, then I would be most grateful. Obviously, if 
this becomes part of a website, I will let you check and approve 
whatever I have used from what you have told me, will give you credit 
for your contributuion, and will link to your site (if applicable.)

Thanks in advance


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