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Date   : Mon, 04 Jul 2005 18:28:36 +0100 (BST)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: Re: Mailbox overloaded - mailing list tools required?

> The list has had a lot more interest in the last eighteen months than
> it
> has had for several years previously. Several new members have joined
> recently, some are new to the internet, email, mailing lists,
> computers
> or any combination of the above. Education is the only way.

Jon, you make some good suggestions for the list and I'm with you on
them.  What about educating people already on the list to me more
tolerant to newbies on the list... and how to curb personal disputes
on-list without escallating them with more personal attacks?  There are
an awful lot of selfish people on here and maybe we could do with some
new blood.

Sorry to take this on-list but I've had enough and I must speak out...
what's wrong with all you guys here?

Raf, sadly it takes people to go on-list to get responses out of an
individual person, however, remember what happened when I tried to
encourage dynamic support for a product?  I got accused of running
hate-campaigns, dissing the product and sending off-topic mails when
they were perfectly on-topic.

Joel, that's enough.  Who are you calling retard?  Why, because the
person is new to mailing list?  Is anyone who wants to encourage a new
idea that you don't like a "retard"?  Anyone who might want to alert
the list to the cause of a serious trade dispute a "retard"?  If you
have any objections about the idea, why don't you debate?  State your
vested interests... don't you see that a new way of doing things might
help increase support for the BBC Micro, and iron out what might weaken
support?  Do you not want to know who might be causing the disputes to
avoid running into another one in the future?  If you cannot offer
anything constructive to a person, don't be so judgemental.  Put up and
shut up.


HaroonNET  - A people-orientated I.T. solutions business
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