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Date   : Thu, 30 Jun 2005 06:41:10 +0930
From   : "Raf" <rafg1@...>
Subject: Let us cease and desist, now.


I have had enough and seen enough too.

I agree. See "poor relationships" post.

Cease and desist now, please, everyone
There is much more to this and enough dirty linen
 has been aired in my view already. It can only get
 worse so please, let us drop it, forthwith, please!

I had some problems with Paypal. I could not get it to pay
John then, probably because I was changing my ISP and 
email name. Overall, I suspect that probably PayPal is the
best way to go. I just could not get it to work at the time, 
but we should be able to fall back on some other means
when necessary, obviously.

So, as, I said previously, enough now; and, John, as above, 
I do hope we can reconcile.

So please, Let us all "can it", forthwith.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sprow" <info@...>
To: <bbc-micro@...>
Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2005 5:55 AM
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] Off Topic trader warning

> Hi,
> To keep a happy balance, I've bought and sold things of John K without
> problems, and Raf has bought things off me again without problems. 
> It can however be difficult to judge tone from an email: it's very easy
> write unintentionally aggressive emails.
> Paypal works well, the few % they charge is more than worth the saving in
> shoe leather having to mess about going to the bank/post office with
> cheques, and means I can do next day despatch.
> Let's concentrate our energy on beeb matters,
> Sprow.

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