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Date   : Wed, 29 Jun 2005 14:54:49 +0100
From   : Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
Subject: Re: current situation

> Guys, abit more Hx
> Best wishes
> Raf

Yes, but as Colin has already pointed out, no UK bank will issue a cheque
in Euros from their account, and I suspect the same is true of Aus
(assuming that is where you're from).  When trying to transfer currency of
a foreign denomination to another account, I have had to use SWIFT (only
good for financial entities with Swiftcodes) or a foreign draft, each of
which comes at a non-trivial price to the issuer.  Obviously it is also not
fair to send John payment in your native currency and require him to
convert it to a usable form at extra cost to himself.  Presumably PayPal
has proved in the past to make this process as simple and transparent as
possible, hence his keenness to use it.

I am sure your intentions are perfectly good, and I can sympathise 100%
with the situation; though it's quite amazing what a pain in the arse banks
can be sometimes.  I'm sure it can be resolved in good nature by both

Good luck,

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