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Date   : Sun, 26 Jun 2005 14:14:08 +0000
From   : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: 80186 Second Processor

On Sun, 2005-06-26 at 14:35 +0100, BeebMaster wrote:
> Does anybody know if there was a cheese-wedge version of the 80186 second
processor used in the
> Master 512? 

I don't know of one personally. Cheese wedge stuff I've seen (copro and

Prestel adapter
Teletext adapter
IEEE interface
Econet bridge
ARM evaluation kit
Acorn Z80
32016 copro (up to 1MB mem)
Acorn 6502

Other copros that should talk a BBC B:

32016 (1MB/4MB version, eg. ACW)
80286 (ABC 3xx)
Torch Z80 (including Tosca board with high speed serial)
Torch 68000 (Atlas and Neptune)
Torch Graduate (8088 CPU)
'unofficial' 6809 using a Dragon as the coprocessor. I've got a feeling
it needs a D64, not a D32.

I believe someone on the list has a 1MB version of the 80186 copro too.
Dave Moore has an A500 prototype that uses the BBC as the I/O processor
if I remember right...

>  For some reason I thought there was but I don't recall seeing one and
I can't remember
> anybody ever talking about a "BBC Model B 512" 

I've not seen one, although I've got one of the 80186 boards in one of
the Watford copro adapter boxes that would physically hook up to a BBC.
Looking at the images on the 8bs site, a couple of others at least have
such a setup too, so it appears to be a recognised thing to do. That'd
give you a "BBC Model B 512", just not with the cheese-wedge box.



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