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Date   : Sun, 26 Jun 2005 23:01:39 +0930
From   : "Raf" <rafg1@...>
Subject: trader warning

There is a questionable BBC kit dealer in Europe. I bought some kit from him 
a few months ago. He wrote and expressed himself as a true British 
gentleman. My wife Jenny helped me to deal with him, so she also got to know 
him well over the PC ("the hooter", below). However, with the passage of 
time, he declared himself to be a right proper b...... .

There is a young man in Europe

Who really is a bit of a dope.

He had goods I wanted, for sale.

So I got on the "hooter" and gave him a hail.

He said "send me a cheque" which I went to do

"Make it personal", he said, "to save money for you".

I bit my nails as I did as he said.

Just as expected, the banks shot it dead.

So let the buyer beware when sending money

That a bouncing cheque is really not funny.

So once again be sure you are warned

Or you will become the perennial scorned.

Raf & Jenny Giaccio

P.S. Evidence is preserved but will not be divulged, as we do not trust him; 
he's on the list now and again. 

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