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Date   : Sun, 26 Jun 2005 12:34:41 +1000 (EST)
From   : Peter Craven <cjl_craves@...>
Subject: Re: BASIC IV: Coded Line Number


Thanks Richard
I do not quite understand the reason for having encoded line numbers within 
the program when you have the &8D line number token alerting you that the
three bytes following represent an encoded line number. Why could they
not just have the line number token &8D followed by the line numbers in
standard LSB, MSB format??
I looked at the site you sent. In other places there it mentions BASIC 
V. I did not realise there was a BASIC V produced. Do you know who dseigned
and produced it? What improvement did it have over BASIC IV? Do you have
a copy of it? Can it be put on to an EPROM and used in a Master instead

Richard_Talbot-Watkins@... wrote:

Peter Craven wrote:

> Does anyone know how the three byte 'coded line
> number' is calculated when using BASIC IV GOTO/ GOSUB
> statements??

It's quite twisted!

has all you need to know.


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Sony Computer Entertainment Europe

Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)

12 Treacher St

Mt Gravatt

QLD 4122

Ph (H): (07) 3349 0820

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<DIV>Thanks Richard</DIV>
<DIV>I do not quite understand the reason for having encoded line numbers 
within the program when you have the &amp;8D line number token alerting 
you that the three bytes following represent an encoded line number. Why
could they not just have the line number token &amp;8D followed by the
line numbers in standard LSB, MSB format??</DIV>
<DIV>I looked at the site you sent. In other places there it mentions 
BASIC V. I did not realise there was a BASIC V produced. Do you know who
dseigned and produced it? What improvement did it have over BASIC IV? Do
you have a copy of it? Can it be put on to an EPROM and used in a Master
instead of BASIC IV??</DIV>
<DIV>Pete<BR><BR><B><I>Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...</I></B> wrote:</DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE class=replbq style="PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: 
#1010ff 2px solid"><BR><BR><BR><BR>Peter Craven wrote:<BR><BR>&gt; Does 
anyone know how the three byte 'coded line<BR>&gt; number' is calculated 
when using BASIC IV GOTO/ GOSUB<BR>&gt; statements??<BR><BR>It's quite 
all you need to know.<BR><BR>Rich<BR><BR><BR>**********************************************************************<BR>This 
email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and<BR>intended 
solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they<BR>are addressed. 
If you have received this email in error please notify<BR>postmaster@...<BR><BR>This 
footnote also confirms that this email message has been checked<BR>for
all known viruses.<BR><BR>**********************************************************************<BR>Sony
Computer Entertainment Europe<BR><BR><BR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR><DIV>
<P>Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)</P>
<P>12 Treacher St</P>
<P>Mt Gravatt</P>
<P>QLD 4122</P>
<P>Ph (H): (07) 3349 0820</P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><p>
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