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Date   : Fri, 24 Jun 2005 21:56:48 +0930
From   : "Raf" <rafg1@...>
Subject: - Jonathan Harston: 120UKP arrived.

Jonathan, good to talk to you by telephone today and nice to hear that the
120UKP arrived this am. 'Masyers' are in fact, Acorn BBC Master 128 micros
(a slip of the finger). Sorry.

So, the 120UKP is for the two 8-bit interface HD units, ready to go, one for
each Master, and what's left over for some beer money as agreed.

Please supply cabling for power to be drawn the disk drive oulets under both
Masters for the HDs. I have twin floppy drives (4 & 5) set-up in plinths 
with their
own mains power supplies (two sets of these). Would you kindly supply all of 
suitable cablings, encasings (Maplins as discussed), patched ADFS ROMS as
needed, etc, ready for 'direct plug in and go', and, of course, manuals, and 
all the
other bits and pieces as per your kits.

 When you are ready I would be intersted in discussing 2 X 16-bit interface 
units with the same set-up for another two Masters (or, for one Master and 
for a Compact). 8 bit-ADFS has its limitaions as to how much it can access 
 such units and yet I was under the impression that you had devised ways and
means of overcoming this problem by a comment made by someone on the list.

Could this be a reality?

However, now, I wonder  if it would it be wiser, despite John Kortink's 
to wait for 16bit units, just simply to buy at least a couple more 8 bit 
units from you,
forgetting about the 16 bit interface set-ups? You know, just by way of an 
my 256 Meg GoMMC has still got 170Meg of space left for disk images that I 
I will never, in all probability fill up in my lifetime. So what is the 

What do you reckon?

 Regards & Best wishes


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