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Date   : Wed, 15 Jun 2005 16:27:56 +0100
From   : Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
Subject: Re: Faster 6502 multiplication

Carlo writes:

> This descends from the fact that a*b is *always* an integer,
> so for the above relationship to hold the right side of the
> equation *must* also be an integer value. From this descends
> that (a+b)^2 - (a-b)^2 is always a multiple of 4.
> Please note that the single factors (a+b)^2 and (a-b)^2 are
> *not necessarily* multiple of 4. This implies that your
> algorithm should calculate
>           (a+b)^2  -  (a-b)^2
>     ab =  ------------------- , not
>                    4
>           (a+b)^2     (a-b)^2
>     ab =  -------  -  -------
>              4           4
> (that is more efficient as well :)

Your first method would be more efficient than the second if the CPU was
having to divide the term(s) by 4 itself.

But what I am trying to do is get rid of the division by 4 altogether by
looking up "pre-divided-by-4" values from the table.  Remember, that
(a+b)^2 - (a-b)^2 is an 18-bit result, and so would require more byte
lookups and/or some additional bit-shifting to get the result.  I am trying
to create code which is lean on CPU cycles here!

What seems curious to me is that these pre-divided-by-4 values don't seem
to "miss" their discarded two bits at all.

For example, imagine we do not pre-divide the table values by 4, and we get
the following values out, and subtract:

 -  10011

Now dividing by 4 (truncating the bottom two bits of the result), we get
the result 11.

This time, we will use pre-divided values (truncating the bottom two bits
of the table values):

   1000(00 truncated)
 -  100(11 truncated)

This yields a result which is one out.  The discrepancy resulted from the
fact that, in the first calculation, there was a borrow from bit 2 when
calculating bit 1 of the result.  In the second calculation, since the
bottom 2 bits are immediately discarded, this didn't happen.

However, this does not appear to EVER happen with the pairs of values
pulled out from the table!  I can only explain it as due to the mystical
voodoo power of square numbers, but I'm sure there's a more mathematical
explanation ;-)

[Alternatively, can someone find a case which breaks my routine?  I used
the not-particularly-exhaustive test of multiplying random numbers and
checking the result with 'reality' until I got bored with waiting...]


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