Date : Mon, 13 Jun 2005 12:45:43 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: ROM/RAM board proposal
> Message-ID: <20050611230749.35456.qmail@...>
Greg Cook <debounce@...> wrote:
> I would express an interest if a small, reasonably priced board was
> developed for the BBC micro, to fit in one ROM socket and serve four
> logical slots from one EPROM and four with RAM. It would be okay if
> the RAM takes its /CE line from another socket.
The easiest ROM expansion is a flying lead to S20 or S22 that
allows a 32K ROM to be plugged in. One of my BBCs has this, with
VIEW and DFS in a single ROM.
Back in Hong Kong I designed a small board that plugged into a ROM
socket that gave you four ROM sockets, each of which could have
either a 16K or 32K ROM or RAM plugged in. I've got a prototype
somewhere. I'll dig it out and upload some photos.
Thinking about it I think the prototype is physically incompatible
with the GoMMC. It "hovers" over all four ROM sockets. I'll look
at doing a redesign so it "hovers" westwards instead of eastwards.
I think it would cost about `15 each to make some. I'll get back
to people.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
BBC BASIC for Windows and Internationalisation