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Date   : Mon, 13 Jun 2005 10:09:00 +0100 (BST)
From   : "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...>
Subject: Re: Programming Competition

--- Peter Craven <cjl_craves@...> wrote:

> --- "F. Haroon" <haroonnet2002@...> wrote:
> > Are we allowed to use Graphic Extension?
> Guess this is something we should vote on. However, in
> your other email you wanted programs that worked on
> all the computers, so I was not going to use any of
> the Master's newer PLOT commands. I kind of thought
> Graphics Extensions would be much same, unless
> everyone has them and votes on them to be used???

Graphics Extension can be installed both on 'B' and Master, and it
makes graphic programming much easier  - perhaps we could try to make
it a standard requirement as they're easily obtainable.  I'm no expert
in FORTRAN quadratics and I'm sure some other programmers aren't so
need this too.  If we're programming machine code then  - know any good
BASIC compilation tools that will compile extended BASIC or OS commands
so programs can run even on non-GrEx machines?

> > ASCII so that it's readable anywhere.  I hope
> > there's easy facility to
> > transfer onto and from actual BBC format disks...
> Do you mean *SPOOLing them?
> Omniflop V1.03 allows transfer from BBC to PC (that
> use  Windows). Available at:
> http://www.shlock.co.uk/Utils/OmniFlop/OmniFlop.htm

Doesn't OmniDisk do the same?

> I would prefer that attached files contain images of
> ADFS disks, but happy to see what everyone wants.

Well, if we simply send files on their own outside images, like ASCII
files we can put them onto any DFS... but I think you have a point  -
how do we copy and paste from emulator back to a text file for sending
onto other DFS's?  Richard Gellman, project for your next version of
BeebEM!!  OK, whatever DFS we use will depend on the structure of our
program.  Normally we'll be making simple programs so DFS will suffice.
 What are the benefits of using ADFS all the time?


> Cheers
> Pete
> Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)
> 12 Treacher St
> Mt Gravatt
> QLD 4122
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