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Date   : Sun, 05 Jun 2005 16:20:51 +0100
From   : "neil f" <faz@...>
Subject: Best prog for scanning manuals etc?

I have a few interesting, possibly unique, pieces of
literature/manuals I'd like to scan (mostly Beeb robotics/tech
related) and put into a Beeb robotics section on my website - and
thereby do my bit for the cause, so to speak.

I have an excellent, late-model scanner that sees too little use to
justify its price tag, and a powerful PC that currently just ticks
over on browsing and letters. So while I have all the incentive and
hardware I need to get on with things, I just don't have the
specialist software. I like the look of the RTF manuals I see on
certain sites - presumably they are produced by scanning and OCRing
individual pages and assembling a whole doc from the separate

Anyway, what software do other people use or recommend? It should
preferably be free ;-) but if paid for then at least be well tried and
tested on battlefield.

-Neil F.

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