Date : Sat, 04 Jun 2005 19:35:02 +0000
From : Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...>
Subject: Re: Domesday Stuff
On Sat, 2005-06-04 at 19:45 +0100, BeebMaster wrote:
> I think the best bet for getting together a Domeday Machine would be
to make it up from the various
> parts. Complete systems very rarely come up so it is probably as well
to put one together from
> scratch, which is what I did. The easy part is getting a Master 128
(with the right connector for
> the SCSI interface) and then "all" you need is:
> SCSI Interface
> 65C102 co-processor OR 6502 cheese wedge
> VFS ROM (available on the internet)
> VP415 Laser Disc player
> Domesday Discs
> 50-way ribbon cable
> SCART Lead
> BBC RGB lead
> Mouse or Trackerball (or it can be operated from the keyboard)
Yep, I was coming around to that idea too. A SCSI interface can be
built, and the leads and ROM aren't a problem. I think I've got a spare
65C102 copro board he might be able to persuade me to part with. Getting
a broken VP415 player isn't as hard as one might think (getting a
working one's another matter :) - just leaves the trackerball and media,
both of which turn up from time to time I suppose.
Main problem is that the guy's in the states, and those VP415's do *not*
travel at all well. I doubt they'd survive a trip in a plane without
something shaking itself to bits :-(