Date : Mon, 30 May 2005 23:49:18 +0100
From : jgh@... (Jonathan Graham Harston)
Subject: Re: Picture and thumbnail sizes
> Message-ID: <1116968182.4586.71.camel@...>
Jules Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> wrote:
> I'm trying to figure this out too. Somewhere around 150 x/y pixels for
> thumbnails seems to work OK for galleries.
After browsing around a bit my question has changed to: does
anybody know how to produce as good quality thumbnails as those on
Drobe? Mine always come out really grainy. I did a test with the
full-size picture of me on Drobe[1] and reduced it to the same
size as Drobe's thumbnail, and it came out awful. So, I can get
decent 100-ish pixel thumbnails if I do it properly.
Full-size picture, 1000px wide:
Drobe's thumbnail, 100px wide:
My attempt at thumbnail, 100px wide:
> >
> Didn't know you had any Torch stuff :)
> Quite a few of the thumbnails seem to be broken by the way...
They should be fixed now.
J.G.Harston - jgh@... -
Sheffield Boundary Review at