Date : Thu, 26 May 2005 00:29:28 +0100
From : "BeebMaster" <beebmaster@...>
Subject: Re: 8-bit IDE i/f debugging
Wow, and a Master Compact as well!
I've got the non-stacking FileStore (E01+E20) here:
I've tried to connect various SCSI discs to the back of a FileStore E01S
but I haven't got anything
to work yet.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: Michael Foot
To: BeebMaster <beebmaster@...>
Cc: "bbc-micro@..." <>
Sent: Wed, 25 May 2005 10:57:36 +1200 (NZST)
Subject: Re: [BBC-Micro] 8-bit IDE i/f debugging
Quoting BeebMaster <beebmaster@...>:
> By the way, has anybody ever seen (or even owned) a FileStore E40 or
> E60?
I have a E01S and a E60S but I've not seen the non stacking version of either.
The HDD in the E60S seizes up if I don't spin it up every now and then. If it
is stuck, I just need to give it a good thump to unstick it and it works again.
Michael Foot <mjfoot(at)paradise(dot)net(dot)nz> *
* Replace letters between () with @ and . when replying