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Date   : Wed, 25 May 2005 10:36:13 +0100
From   : Rob <robert@...>
Subject: Re: Picture and thumbnail sizes

At 23:05 24/05/2005, BeebMaster wrote:

>All the thumbnails I have on my website are 200 pixels across which seems 
>to work OK but I have a
>separate set of files for the thumbnail images.  You will know that you 
>can get HTML to resize a
>picture to whatever height and width you like but this involves loading in 
>the whole picture first
>so I have found it is best to have a separate file with the little picture 
>with a very small file

Just in case anybody else is like me and fed up with maintaining separate 
thumbnail & image files, for our website (www.russianglass.co.uk - totally 
OT) I ended up writing a dynamic module so the web server (apache) would so 
it for me.  If you have php available, download this:
(the majority of it is not tied to osc, just one patch listed in the readme 
to make it call my routines, which you can ignore)
then you can call up any http://../file.jpg as http://../file.thumb instead 
and it will automatically resize at the server end.  No need to store 
multiple images in different sizes, and you can change your mind and resize 
all the thumbnails just by changing a parameter in the file..

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