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Date   : Sun, 22 May 2005 13:13:50 +0100
From   : Philip Pemberton <philpem@...>
Subject: "Pop goes the Master 128"

Well, it looks like I won't be doing any more debugging today...

My Master128 just caught fire! I had the 1MHz bus hooked up to a HP 1651B
logic analyser so I could watch the IDE signals (and hopefully find the
glitch in the hardware). Next thing I know, there's the sound of an
electrical arc, and smoke billowing out of the power supply area of the

There's pretty extensive PSU damage, but the rest of the machine seems to be

Sooo.. Does anyone in the West Yorkshire (around Leeds preferably) area have
a spare Master 128 or a PSU for said Master that I could have (or buy for a
very small amount), seeing as mine has converted itself into a Kentucky Fried
PSU? The mainboard appears to be intact, but the PSU looks pretty far gone.

I've no idea what happened - IME the PSUs will shut down if they overload,
but the machine was still outputting video when the PSU died... Thankfully
my analyser seems OK (it passed POST anyway).


Phil.                              | Acorn Risc PC600 Mk3, SA202, 64MB, 6GB,
philpem@...                        | ViewFinder, 10BaseT Ethernet, 2-slice,
http://www.philpem.me.uk/          | 48xCD, ARCINv6c IDE, SCSI
... Artificial Intelligence is no match for natural stupidity

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