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Date   : Thu, 19 May 2005 07:13:34 +1000 (EST)
From   : Peter Craven <cjl_craves@...>
Subject: [RE: BBC/ Master] BASIC Routines


Hi Everyone
1. Does anyone know the entry point address for the various Basic Routines, 
e.g. SQR(x), SIN(x) in the MASTER computer?  Does anybody know how tom
implement/ use them from assembly language? Does anybody know of references
for these as they are not in Advanced Master User Guide.
2. Does anyone know how to use the Sheila address &00, &01 for control 
of screen (rather than using VDU23,0,12,... & VDU23,0,13,...) on the MASTER
COMPUTER? I have entered many manipulations of the screen start address,
but with some bizarre results only.

Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)

12 Treacher St

Mt Gravatt

QLD 4122

Ph (H): (07) 3349 0820

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<DIV>Hi Everyone</DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>1. </STRONG>Does anyone know the <STRONG>entry point address</STRONG> 
for the various <STRONG>Basic Routines</STRONG>, e.g. SQR(x), SIN(x) in 
the <STRONG>MASTER computer</STRONG>?&nbsp; Does anybody know how tom implement/
use them from <STRONG>assembly language</STRONG>? Does anybody know of
references for these as they are not in Advanced Master User Guide.</DIV>
<DIV><STRONG>2.</STRONG> Does anyone know how to use the <STRONG>Sheila 
</STRONG>address &amp;00, &amp;01 for control of screen (rather than using 
VDU23,0,12,... &amp; VDU23,0,13,...) on the <STRONG>MASTER COMPUTER? </STRONG>I
have entered many manipulations of the screen start address, but with some
bizarre results only.</DIV>
<P>Dr Peter Craven (MBBS Uni. of Qld)</P>
<P>12 Treacher St</P>
<P>Mt Gravatt</P>
<P>QLD 4122</P>
<P>Ph (H): (07) 3349 0820</P></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV></DIV><p><br><hr
Find local movie times and trailers on <a href="http://au.rd.yahoo.com/mail/tagline/*http://au.movies.yahoo.com"
target=_blank><b>Yahoo! Movies.</b></a><br>

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