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Date   : Mon, 16 May 2005 23:23:37 +0100
From   : "neil f" <faz@...>
Subject: Master into Beeb case is progressing well

I've been making good progress on a pet project I've wanted to try for a
while. That is, fitting a Master into the simple, elegant Beeb case. I
had some orphan Beeb case halves and an iffy Master motherboard to hand
so I thought I'd give it go - if it went wrong I would have wasted very
little. (Stands to reason I also had an iffy Master keyboard, as they're
ten a penny!)

Everything is now in place with just the PSU awaiting minor doctoring to
fit properly, plus the odd fiddly bit like joggling the keyboard
connection leads over a few inches. 

At first glance it's still a dead ringer for a Beeb, until you notice
that there's something subtlety different about the layout of a few of
the keys (obviously I've dispensed with the number keypad). I did think
about transferring the stick-on facia cover over too, with its 'M' logo,
but I think I'll retain the original Beeb facia and leave it as a
'stealth' Master. I'll extend one of the cartridge slots out to a ZIF in
the ashtray so I can still have one extra switchable rom. When
everything's tidied up a bit I'll put shot on a spare web page.

By the way, anyone need a clean (but ugly) empty Master case ;-)

-Neil F.

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