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Date   : Wed, 11 May 2005 21:17:38 +0100
From   : "BeebMaster" <beebmaster@...>
Subject: Re: Ultimate titles (Was: Beeb versus Master?)

I'd be very interested if anyone has working Master versions of Jetpac,
Boffin and Banjax.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message -----
From: Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
To:  bbc-micro@...
Sent: Wed, 11 May 2005 10:10:43 +0100
Subject: RE: [BBC-Micro] Ultimate titles (Was: Beeb versus Master?)

Christopher Dewhurst CCARE Panel Clerk wrote:

> I had in mind SABRE WULF. I tried hacking this myself a while ago for
> the Master and it ran okay for a short while (or perhaps it was when
> you entered a certain location in the adventure) the machine froze.
> Perhaps that was a portion of code I didn't check and patch, so I'd be
> interested in your solution. No rush, BTW.

I just had a quick look - the version on the StairwayToHell site seems to
run OK on the Master, apart from a corrupted character set (but it looks as
if it has already been modified, by the look of a whole sequence of NOPs at
the beginning of the code).

Hac-Man in the Micro User published a Master conversion hack, which is good
for the original tape release:

http://www.stairwaytohell.com/cheats/hacman/hacman-v7n10-b-L.jpg (hi-res)
http://www.stairwaytohell.com/cheats/hacman/hacman-v7n10-b.jpg (lo-res)

You might be able to see what it's doing if you disassemble the patch, and
see what you missed.  It seems to me that the main problem is just getting
the Beeb character set at &C000..&C2FF (which is what lines 100-180 of the
patch are doing).  The rest of the code just seems to be involved in
getting round Kevin Edwards' evil protection!


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