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Date   : Wed, 11 May 2005 18:15:52 +0100
From   : "neil f" <faz@...>
Subject: Surplus Beeb gear

Hi folks.

Ivor Bennet passed his store of surplus BBC items on to me last week.
Now it's my turn to ask if anyone wants to take this stuff off my hands

-Neil F.

Here's a provisional list of what's now available:

11/5/05 e&oe

1.	None of these items have been tested and are passed on very much
as is at your own risk to body and data. It has all clearly been stored
for some time and has suffered to some extent from damp and the
attentions of spiders etc. (eg books, hardware internals, electrical

2.	I=92d rather it was all collected as one lot, but if anyone is
dead keen on a particular item they can pick it up from N W London near
the M25 by arrangement. Large items can /only/ be collected, and an
optional small donation to my petrol fund would be appreciated. Small
items (books/software) might be posted but will definitely attract a
small surcharge as a contribution to my time (the Post Office is quite a

3.	I will only hold onto this stuff for about a fortnight, as space
is tight. Starred items in the list may or may not be spoken for already
- I=92m awaiting confirmation. Otherwise it=92s first come first served.

Disc software (5.25=94 floppy):

Icarus, b/b+
Bone Cruncher, b/m
Barbarian, b/m
Sim City, b/m
Star Wars =96 the Empire strikes back, b/m=09
Crazee rider, b/m
3D Pool, b
The Last Ninja, b/m
Omega Orb, b/m
Beverly Hills Cop, b
Superior Soccer, b/m
Play it again Sam 15 (Last Ninja, Cyborg Warriors, Network, Ricochet),
Play it again Sam 14 (Predator, Ballistix, Superior Soccer, Star Port),
Play it again Sam 13 (Barbarian II, Hyberball, Percy Penguin,
Pandemonium), b/m
Play it again Sam 12 (Last Ninja, By fair means or foul, Skirmish,
Blagger), b/m
Play it again Sam 5 (Imogen, Elixir, Bug Blaster, Fortress, Moonraider),
Arcade Soccer, b/m
Krakout, b
BBC Bonanza (Psycastria, Thunderstruck, Ultron, Contraption) b
*The Rick Hanson trilogy, b/m
Catch (educational, simulates fishing boat/sonor process) , b/m
Star Wars trilogy, b only
Paperboy, b
Elite commando, b
*Kayleth (text adventure?), b

70-odd various tape games/progs (too many to list, assumed to be b only)

Viewstore disc and manual etc, b
View manual (+printer driver disc only), b
Viewplot 3.5=94 disc and manual, m
Picfile with teacher=92s handbook, b
Mini Office II disc/manual b/b+
5x Beeb welcome tape packs


6502 second processor and manual (no roms)
LVL DD-DOS Disc interface and manual
2x Mannesman Tally dot matrix printers with manuals
5x double-height top enclosures , 3 with Beeb motherboards (1 with a
remote keyboard, 3 more keyboards lose unwired), 1 enclosure with one
Opus drive and an Opus =93BBC 512 Issue 2=94 board installed with half
of chips (256k) missing. *1 enclosure has two Opus drives, fully chipped
board and a Challenger rom fitted.
Pace nightingale modem with manual
3x empty double-height 5.25=94 drive enclosures with one bay blanked off

Beeb style (Acorn) joystick pair
2x Delta 3b joystick pairs
3x uncased 5.25=94 floppy drives (spec unknown)
Commstar? Rom
WE Wordaid rom
B+ 1770 DFS rom 
Aries B32 board with manual
WE 32k ram card with manual
Uncased Beeb PSU

Books (some have caught the damp):

*Assembly language programming for the BBC microcomputer, loose pages
*60 programs for the BBC micro (PCW), worn
*BBC micro graphics and sound
*Instant arcade games for the BBC micro (PCW), worn
*Games for your BBC micro (Virgin), worn
BBC micro guide (quick reference)
The book of listings (b)
Mini Office II (Dabhand guide)
Disc filing system manual (Watford) 
BBC micro disk drives
Disc drive users guide (Viglen)
Disk drive user=92s manual (Akhter)
Sleuth degugger manual (Beebug)
The hacker=92s handbook
2x BBC User Guide (Acorn) (very used, loose pages)

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