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Date   : Sat, 07 May 2005 19:58:18 +0100
From   : "Peter Edwards" <samwise@...>
Subject: Re: Chuckie Egg - better patch (and some mysteries solved!)

> But I quite like the lifts a different 
> colour from
> the main character, and besides, the CPC version has white 
> lifts!  In fact,
> in terms of screen mode (resolution and colour), the Beeb has 
> far more in
> common with the CPC than the Speccy.

I dunno, personal preference I guess - but I just thought yellow lifts would
be cool to differentiate from the numerous white eggs.  It's quite easy to
try out colour combinations using Mike Elson's DirectX Chuckie Egg, which
lets you play with the graphics quite simply under Windows (tho, as good as
it is, it still doesn't play quite as well as the original despite it's
perfectly accurate looks!).

It's funny you should mention the amstrad version, tho - it is so similar to
the Acorn releases that I suspect all three may well have been programmed by
Doug Anderson, author of the BBC version.  Until I can track him down, tho,
that's just conjecture ... (he worked for BBC worldwide until recently but
I've not had much luck emailing them about his current whereabouts, sadly)

> Yeah, go for it!  The more Chuckie addicts it reaches, the better :)

Well, I'm trying to make it the one-stop source for Chuckie Egg related
developments, as when I started I thought CE's web presence was lacking a
bit.  Modesty forbids me commenting on whether I've achieved that yet, but
I've had positive feedback from everyone I've been in contact with so far
... including the original Spectrum author, Nigel Alderton.  :)  I hope to
publish an interview with him soon, but I haven't heard back from him in a
while ...
> It'd be nice to get it onto the StairwayToHell archives too 
> if it seems not
> to break anything.  A little extra colour never hurt anyone after all!
> Rich

Dave Moore has a Cheats/Ready Trained section which he tends to use to
archive patches like this:


I've been planning to email him again soon, anyway, so I'll include a copy
of the .SSD which he'll hopefully archive next time he updates the site.

The only other place worth archiving it, I'd say, would be
www.chuckie-egg.org but there hasn't been any updates there for years (one
of the reasons I chose to launch my own site).  It has a comments section on
every page you could use to promote your patch, and put a link on say the
BBC / Acorn page to either my site or the STH archive.  Thomas Harte has
done that for his standalone Chuckie Egg/ElectrEm package ...


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