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Date   : Wed, 04 May 2005 16:37:45 +0100
From   : Richard_Talbot-Watkins@...
Subject: Re: Chuckie Egg - better patch (and some mysteries

I found the other version of Chuckie Egg, so now we have a patch that
should work well for all:

  10 HIMEM=&3100
  20 P%=&380:[OPT2
  30 LDA&7F:PHA:LDA#136:STA&7F
  40 JSR&1902:PLA:STA&7F:RTS:]
  50 *L.CH_EGG 3100
  55 IF !&49AB=&202AD720 A%=&4B7D:B%=&4CE6
ELSE A%=&4B73:B%=&4CDC
  60 A%?1=7:A%?11=1
  70 ?B%=32
  80 ?&3CC4=138:?&3D01=138
  90 ?&3DFD=136
 100 ?&3B0D=128:?&3B0E=3
 110 ?&3D23=128:?&3D24=3
 120 P%=&900:[OPT2
 130 LDX#&27:LDY#0:.q
 140 LDA&3100,Y:STA&1100,Y:INY:BNEq
 150 INCq+2:INCq+5:DEX:BNEq:JMP&29AB
 160 ]
 170 CALL&900

Seems it's just those first three pokes which differ between the two

Annoyingly, none of the pokes on Peter's Chuckie Egg page are compatible
with the StairwayToHell version either; they all need slightly different
addresses, i.e.:

Set initial number of lives and level skip:
?&2C07 = <no of lives>
?&2C03 = <start level>

Infinite lives:
?&2A4A = &A9

[I don't think the 'infinite lives and invulnerability to hens cheat works

Invulnerability to hens and mother duck:
?&29F5 = &A9
?&29F6 = 0
?&29F7 = &85
?&29F8 = &4F

Change default keys:
?&2B2A = &B6 : REM RETURN for jump
?&2B2E = &B7 : REM : for up
?&2B32 = &97 : REM / for down
?&2B36 = &9E : REM Z for left
?&2B3A = &BD : REM X for right

Also, my suggestion for a slightly better speed control (both versions):

?&1B20=<speed> (0=fast, 3=normal, 255=v slow!)

The StairwayToHell version appears to be the slightly newer one, containing
a little bit of extra code... some kind of bugfix perhaps?


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