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Date   : Tue, 03 May 2005 00:00:53 +0100
From   : "Peter Edwards" <samwise@...>
Subject: Re: BBC B/Electron Chuckie Egg queries

> When Harry falls 
> down a hole he
> re-appears at the top and then continues falling to the bottom again
> (falling *through* all the platforms) then goes back to the 
> top and so on.
> It does this eight times, shifting left a little every four 
> descents and
> then Harry finally stops falling by landing on a platform at 
> the top of the
> screen.

Yeah, that's the behaviour I get from BeebEm.

> It beats me why you'd wanna use the cheat though - the score 
> is corrupted so
> you can't even use it to say "look at my score" !!!

Ah, now that's interesting - none of the emulators I've tried have any
display corruption - there's certainly nothing wrong with the score.  Does
it just change characters?  Does it only corrupt when you fall through the
screen or does it corrupt just by using the poke - on level 1, for example?

> Out of interest, what are the emulators doing?
> Regards,
> JohnA.

Well, BeebEm behaves as you describe - without the score corruption.  MESS,
on the other hand, just kills you off as if it was a normal game.  I haven't
tried any others, mainly because I wasn't sure I'd trust the results ...

Many thanks for helping out,


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