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Date   : Sat, 30 Apr 2005 21:12:34 +0100
From   : "Peter Edwards" <samwise@...>
Subject: Re: PD discs

> I've not heard of edonkey before. Presumably you had to pay for this?
> regards, 
> A.Weston


It's a free, peer to peer (P2P) network - one of those that are frowned upon
by the BPI (British Phonographic Industry) - along the lines of Kazaa or the
original Napster network.  BitTorrent is another one which has been growing
in popularity of late (edonkey2000 includes a plugin to access the
BitTorrent network).

People use P2P networks to share large files and, much to the annoyance of
record and move distributors, also illegal films and mp3 music.  To ensure
you're fully aware, the BPI have recently started monitoring these networks
in the UK and have begun to send out lawsuits to the heavies users who
distribute lots of music, in attempt to discourage the masses.

In a very far-fetched way, distributing copyrighted BBC micro software fits
under the same category but the chances of anyone monitoring it and then
persuing you through the courts is astronomical, but best you're aware -
esp. if you start to use it for movies/music.

That said, the technology itself is legit - it's just how it's put to use.

http://www.edonkey2000.com/ is where you download the official client
software.  To speed up downloads, you might want to poke a TCP and a UDP
hole in any firewalls you're running - more info on the site.

Finally, because of the collection of illegal software, movies and music,
it's also a haven for viruses & trojans as well - so make sure you keep your
firewalls and anti-virus software up to date!

That all said, I hope that didn't put you off - because P2P networks can be
very useful, as long as you're cautious about exactly what you download and
run off them ...



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