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Date   : Tue, 19 Apr 2005 12:06:39 +0100
From   : "Colin f" <colin@...>
Subject: Re: Hybrid (was Island Logic) Music System

> Perhaps, you could have both? Do the Music 2000 and 4000 replace each 
> other in the system, or can you have input from the 4000 and output 
> from the 2000?

You can run the M4k and M2k alongside each other no problem.
I suppose a matrix spoofing midi in, and 2k clone output could easily be put
on the one PCB.
It would need both a 1MHz bus and user port connection, but that would save
you needing a power supply.
6850s are getting harder to find these days, but a cheap, fast PIC could
probably emulate one quite easily.
> It's the AMPLE programming side of things that I think would 
> be novel. 
> Real musicians seemed to really like it - I never got my head 
> around it 
> fully (hence I want to try again), the idea of a rackmount 
> unit with it 
> appeals.

There's always the RiscOS implementation of AMPLE. That could maybe be run
on virtual Acorn, though I'm not sure if that would support midi on the PC.
> Isn't that how people like Vince Clarke made 
> use of the 
> Hybrid system? I just used to mess with the synthesizer and 
> play about 
> with funny scales/reverse scales, but AMPLE is a very powerful tool, 
> even now - and the simplicity of the BBC makes for a tough little 
> system.

Did VC use the Hybrid system ? I thought he was only a UMI user.

Colin f

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