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Date   : Mon, 18 Apr 2005 22:19:03 +0100
From   : Richard Kilpatrick <oldcomputers@...>
Subject: Re: Island Logic Music System

On 15 Apr 2005, at 12:42, Colin f wrote:

> There are disk images on my web page that include ROM images that 
> match.
> http://www.colinfraser.com/m5000/m5000.htm
> I've got a patch program written by someone else that should fix a ROM 
> to
> run any modules, but I've never tried it.
> I can send you that privately if you want to try it.

I believe I've done this previously, but gave up - I got a complete set 
with discs and ROM all matched. Sadly, and perhaps stupidly, I sold 
that system when I dropped the monitor and got annoyed with the sheer 
amount of space it took up in the studio; I've got better arrangements 

I was quite sure I had the disc images on my old A410, and having 
dragged the poor thing out, hit it until it started working again, I 
find I only have (IIRC not very reliable) PANOS images on there. It 
must have been my A540 or 310 that had the M5000 disks on, or perhaps I 
deleted them (it's only ever been the A410 with a 5.25" drive).

> I worked the 4000 wiring out years ago, but the chances of finding the 
> paper
> with the details are zilch.
> I have a diode matrix spoofing midi interface design that would 
> imitate a
> Music 4000 easily enough.

You had a 'music 2000' clone on the site, IIRC. I wonder if I could 
figure it out from that.

What I'm especially curious about is the idea of making a 19" rack, 1 
or 2U high, containing one of Sprow's tiny BBCs and a couple of Hybrid 
synths, with interfaces for Video and Keyboard on the front of the 
rack, MIDI, power and audio on the back - program AMPLE using 
keyboard/monitor, then control voices via MIDI. It could use pretty 
much anything for storage once the interfaces and software were sorted.

But that's an idea, not a project.


Tasty Other - Because Far Too Much in Life Makes Sense
Music for download - coming soon (RIP MP3.com)
G.A.S. http://www.dmc12.demon.co.uk/music/
Platform: PowerMac G5 2.0GHz Dual, 20" LCD, Logic, Hammerfall.

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