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Date   : Mon, 18 Apr 2005 17:40:15 +0200
From   : D.G.van der Pol <danielg@...>
Subject: Re: KeyBoard, Winchester Hard Drive

Op 17-apr-05 om 21:44 heeft Mike Tomlinson het volgende geschreven:

> In article <1113745757.10716.24.camel@...>, Jules
> Richardson <julesrichardsonuk@...> writes
>> As for SCSI drives capable of 256 bytes / sector, it'd be interesting
>> for someone to do some experimenting. It wouldn't surprise me if none 
>> of
>> the 3.5" SCSI drives support it though :-(
> Many older SCSI drives did, including the Rodime drives used in Acorn's
> FileSnore E20S, 40S and 60S (20Mb, 40Mb and 60Mb respectively.)  Note
> these are for the FileSnore ExxS - i.e. the ones with an external SCSI
> connector.  The original E01 used a 1MHz bus interface.
I build an interface board between the BBC 1MHz bus and the SCSI 
(actualy SASI) interface. I tested all functions and it seems OK. The 
only problem I ran into was finding a SCSI-drive which would format at 
256 byts/sec. All drives I own don't support it, not even through quite 
advanced formatting software on my Macintosh computer.
Most drives come from a macintosh and are between 20 & 1024Mb in size.
  Someone suggested (here?) to use a Syquest drive, which I did not test 
yet. So I like to oppose the idea that almost every SCSI drive below 
500Mb would format in 256bytes/sector. If anybody had succes with a 
SCSI drive on a BBC, after reformatting it at 256bytes/sec, I would 
really like to know its type & make. (the drive of course, not its 
Thank you very much.

> You'd almost certainly have to format the drive with the mode page set
> to use 256-byte sectors before it'll work.  This can be done on a PC
> using various utes (Bart's SCSITool comes to mind, see
> http://www.nu2.nu/scsi/), or the drive could be connected to an E01S 
> and
> formatted.
> -- 
> .braincells on vacation
> (Fat Freddy's Cat gets his revenge)
Daniel G. van der Pol
email: danielg at newfoundland punt nl
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