Date : Wed, 13 Apr 2005 06:55:10 GMT
From : "Thomas Harte" <thomasharte@...>
Subject: Re: LOST: DirectX Chuckie Egg source code & new CE site launch
> If there's anyone out there requiring a Chuckie Egg fix at the moment, then,
> I humbly submit my own little corner of the web as an alternative:
I have had
on my website with no meaningful link for a while. That's a version of
ElectrEm, my Electron emulator, wired up specifically to play Chuckie
Egg on launch. You literally double click on the Chuckie Egg icon and the
emulator opens and loads the game. It's all very nice but notably doesn't
have the DirectX Chuckie Egg source or any code relation to that project
at all. Sorry!
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